Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lord of Misrule, Carpe Corpus, Fade Out, and Kiss of Death

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reading Log:
Monday, March 18, 2013-Saturday, March 23, 2013
Monday-Wednesday, 10:30 P.M.-1:00 A.M.
Thursday-Saturday, 11:30 P.M.-1:30 A.M.

       Well let m start by saying that I have been a busy reader. I left off with book four, Feast of Fools and now I am up to book eight, Kiss of Death. The books are not that long, most less than two-hundred pages. I will try my best to sum up all these books as best as possible.
        Let me start with the huge storm that tore through Morganville, which produced a tornado. Mr. Bishop had the idea to get all the humans to town hall where he was for safety. Only the real reason was so he and his followers could drain them. Later Claire has to side with Bishop in order to try to protect her friends. They believe she turned on them so their friendships suffer. End the end they reconcile, also Claire and Myrnin may have found the cure for the vampire disease.
        Sam (Michael's Grandfather) ends up paying with his life to save the people of Morganville from Mr. Bishop. Amelie and Sam drank poison in the hope that Mr. Bishop would bite one of them. Well he did bite Sam, but drained him. In turn Mr. Bishop was poisoned and weakened enough to capture. He is now in prison somewhere in Morganville. A new girl named Kim comes into the picture. She is Shane's Ex and becomes Eve's new best friend. Claire is very jealous. She ends up an enemy that was trying to expose Morganville vampires by putting hidden cameras all over town, including Shane and Michael's bedrooms.
        They finally get a break and get to leave Morganville, if only for a week. Shane, Michael, Claire, and Eve all accompanied by Oliver get to go to Dallas so Michael can record a record. Their trip does not go as planned. First they get in a fight with some small town bullies that end up burning Eve's car. Then Claire, Eve, and Shane are kidnapped by a crazy vampire and his followers that were escaping from Morganville. Michael and Oliver drive to a ghost town to save Shane and Eve. They saved Claire on the way. The town seems to be deserted only because most of the town has been turned by Mr. Bishop when he was on his way to Morganville. The vampires are all infected with the vampire disease so the gang cures them.
         When it was all said and done the vampire that kidnapped Claire and her friends ended up staying in the town as "mayor". Everyone else is back in Morganville, safe for now.

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