Friday, April 12, 2013

Last Breath

Reading Log;

Monday, April 8th, 2013-Thursday, April 11th, 2013
1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

         Why do the vampires of Morganville live in the sunny desert of Morganville Texas, when they are sensitive to sunlight? We find out in Last Breath that the reason is water. Vampire as it turns out has a predator know as the draug. The draug are not human or vampire, they can form from water. Well it was bound to happen that they would catch up with their prey, vampires. They traveled by rain to get entry to Morganville. Magnus is the leader and it so happens that Claire would catch his attention. Claire is able to see Magnus which he was not ready for anyone to see him, she is the only one who sees Magnus.
          Magnus follows Claire home and breaks her neck, which kills her. The house saves Claire and she is trapped like Michael was, as a ghost. She cannot come back at sunset as Michael was able to do. Shane is devastated and goes straight for Myrnin. He believes Myrnin killed Claire because he recently tried to kill Shane, due to Amelie's order. Amelie believed that Shane and Claire knew to much about the draug so she wanted them killed. Myrnin refused to kill Claire so Amelie told him he still must kill Shane. Oliver saved Shane, also Amelie's order. She realized she made a mistake and knew that Claire would retaliate Shane's death so she had Oliver stop Myrnin.
          Shane realized that Myrnin did not kill Claire when he witnesses how devastated Myrnin is. Myrnin goes to see Claire and when he arrives he feels Claire and knows that she is not dead. Everyone thinks he is crazy because they say the house could not save Claire because when it saved Michael his body disappeared and he had ties to the house, Claire did not. Everyone finally realizes Claire is a ghost in the house and are overjoyed. Myrnin ends up saving Claire with a machine that he created and a little of Eves, Shane's, and his own blood. Claire was given the choice to choose to stay human or become vampire, she chose to stay human.
         In the middle of all this Michael was taken by Magnus, Oliver was taken as well. Amelie, Eve, Shane, Claire, and Myrnin go to save them and fight back. They end up saving some but Amelie was bitten by Magnus. They say there is no cure for a draug bite but in Morganville who knows, LOL. On a side note Eves and Michael's reception took place but ended badly due to both humans and vampires being against the union. They tried to get marries but it just has not happened, they say they will keep trying. At the end of the book Shane ask Claire if she will marry him not today but in the future. She said yes.

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