Saturday, May 4, 2013

What Kind Of Reader Am I?

What Kind Of Reader Am I?

            I'm what you would call a readaholic. I will read a book at any chance I get. I tend to read a little to fast when I really get lost in a book. Then I have to go back and re-read certain pages. When I first read that we had to pleasure read for a weekly class assignment and make a blog I thought "oh great". I have never done a blog or really discussed my pleasure reading in detail. At first I thought it was a hassle but now I feel grateful to have had this time to read, and really reflect on what I was reading. I loved having my reading time because if not for our required reading time I would not have had time to read. I'm very busy with all my courses and keeping up with family duties. If not for the weekly PRABES I would have put reading off and I would have missed out on all the great books that I discovered.
           I have noticed a huge difference in my reading behavior. I have slowed down my reading speed by a great amount. The assignment really made me pay attention to my reading because I knew that I was required to write about it. I love that I can now read slower and take every page in. So in the end the PRABES for me was a great thing. It gave me a reason to read even though I was busy, and made me a better reader as well.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bitter Blood

Reading Log;
Monday, April 22nd--9:30 A.M.-10:10A.M.
Wednesday, April 24th--1:00 P.M.-1:30 P.M./9:30 P.M.-10:00 P.M.

                 I have not completed this book yet so I will review what I have read so far. Let me start with Myrnin and Claire, because I love any time they are together. Myrnin came to Claire to tell her to leave Morganville because things are going to get bad. Since the Draug is gone the vampires have no fear, and they are not holding back anymore. Claire tells him that she can't leave her friends and Shane. Myrnin tells her that he is leaving and kisses Claire quickly and leaves.
                 Oliver is making Amelie rule in a way that she does not want to. He has gained her trust and once he has someones trust he can persuade them. Oliver is being ruled by Amelie's vampire sister Naomi. She wants to take Amelie's place as ruler. Eve is being stalked because she married Michael, she even got attacked. The Glass House was set on fire so Eve and Claire ran out the front while Michael and Shane put the fire out. A vampire was waiting for them and attacked Eve, he was going to turn her. They made it out of that situation without to much harm.
                  Claire came up with the idea to have Monica run for mayor. They need someone that will not let the vampires push them around and Monica fit that need. Also while walking past Shane's burnt house where his sister Alyssa died they heard her call out for Shane. The spirit or whatever it is did not want Claire near. I can't wait to see what happens.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Black Dawn

Reading Log;
Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th
 11:00 P.M.-1:00 A.M.

Black Dawn
          Morganville is still in total chaos due to the Draug. Amelie is slowly dying due to being bitten by Magnus, the Draug leader. Oliver stays by her side almost 24-7. Sometimes it seems as if he loves Amelie and other times as if he hates her. Of course Claire and Myrnin work together again to come up with a way to kill the Draug. Eve, Michael, and Shane come along on the mission as well. They head to the water treatment facility to turn off the water valves so they can cripple the Draugs transportation. Shane gets captured and everyone except Claire believe he is dead. Claire rallies a team to come to Shane's rescue that include Hannah Moses she is the chief of police, Monica, Monica's brother Richard, and of course the regular gang.
           Shane is traumatized for almost the remainder of the book, after his rescue. Michael and Eve work on their issues. In the end the Draug are killed and Amelie is cured. Michael and Eve get married at the Church, but Amelie and her gang show up. They are delivering a message that there are new rules and for them to remember that. I can't wait to see what she meant by that.



Friday, April 12, 2013

Last Breath

Reading Log;

Monday, April 8th, 2013-Thursday, April 11th, 2013
1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

         Why do the vampires of Morganville live in the sunny desert of Morganville Texas, when they are sensitive to sunlight? We find out in Last Breath that the reason is water. Vampire as it turns out has a predator know as the draug. The draug are not human or vampire, they can form from water. Well it was bound to happen that they would catch up with their prey, vampires. They traveled by rain to get entry to Morganville. Magnus is the leader and it so happens that Claire would catch his attention. Claire is able to see Magnus which he was not ready for anyone to see him, she is the only one who sees Magnus.
          Magnus follows Claire home and breaks her neck, which kills her. The house saves Claire and she is trapped like Michael was, as a ghost. She cannot come back at sunset as Michael was able to do. Shane is devastated and goes straight for Myrnin. He believes Myrnin killed Claire because he recently tried to kill Shane, due to Amelie's order. Amelie believed that Shane and Claire knew to much about the draug so she wanted them killed. Myrnin refused to kill Claire so Amelie told him he still must kill Shane. Oliver saved Shane, also Amelie's order. She realized she made a mistake and knew that Claire would retaliate Shane's death so she had Oliver stop Myrnin.
          Shane realized that Myrnin did not kill Claire when he witnesses how devastated Myrnin is. Myrnin goes to see Claire and when he arrives he feels Claire and knows that she is not dead. Everyone thinks he is crazy because they say the house could not save Claire because when it saved Michael his body disappeared and he had ties to the house, Claire did not. Everyone finally realizes Claire is a ghost in the house and are overjoyed. Myrnin ends up saving Claire with a machine that he created and a little of Eves, Shane's, and his own blood. Claire was given the choice to choose to stay human or become vampire, she chose to stay human.
         In the middle of all this Michael was taken by Magnus, Oliver was taken as well. Amelie, Eve, Shane, Claire, and Myrnin go to save them and fight back. They end up saving some but Amelie was bitten by Magnus. They say there is no cure for a draug bite but in Morganville who knows, LOL. On a side note Eves and Michael's reception took place but ended badly due to both humans and vampires being against the union. They tried to get marries but it just has not happened, they say they will keep trying. At the end of the book Shane ask Claire if she will marry him not today but in the future. She said yes.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bite Club

Reading Log:

Monday, April 01, 2013 - Friday, April 05, 2013
Monday-Thursday 1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Friday-Saturday 11:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M.

                     Well I will start discussing bite club with Shane. A new gym opened up in Morganville and to Shane's surprise it offers martial arts. It is ran by a vampire, but Shane does not care as long as he gets to learn more martial arts. It turns out that the martial arts was a front for something more sinister. Mr. Bishop as we all remember is Amelie's vampire father is back in the picture. He is the man in charge of it all. They are getting humans and getting them hooked on sports drinks that are laced with vampire blood, including Shane. They are doing this to get the humans prepared to face vampires in a caged ring, also it is being broad casted via the Internet.
                    Shane starts to turn on everyone including Claire. All he wants to do is fight all the time. The fight club comes to an end when Michael is captured and put in the ring with Shane. They are to fight to the death and whoever wins gets to fight Mr. Bishop. Shane starts to beat Michael because he will not fight back. The fight ends when Claire, Eve, and Myrnin come to the rescue. Myrnin tears the door off the cage and everyone escapes the cage, except Myrnin. He is caught in there with Mr. Bishop. Luckily Myrnin wins and Mr. Bishop is dead. After the fact Amelie and Oliver show up and see the aftermath. On a side note we find out that Eve and Michael are engaged! I wonder how that will work out in Morganville?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ghost Town

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reading Log;
Monday, March 25th-Friday, March 29th
12:30 P.M.-2:00 P.M.

             I'm going to start my review of Ghost Town with Claire and Shane. Shane ask Claire out to a drive in movie, while Eve goes to a rave party with a friend. While Claire and Shane are starting their date Claire receives a frantic call from Eve. The party it seems is being crashed by some humans and now vampires as well. Claire and Shane race to the party to save Eve. Once they arrive at the location of the rave it is a disaster with people running everywhere.
            Once they make it in they see dead humans and vampires. Claire and Shane get attacked so Claire stakes a female vampire with a silver stake. The vampire turns out to have a deadly reaction to silver, and dies. In Morganville the penalty for killing a vampire is death. Amelie instead orders Claire to work with Myrnin to get the city's defense system back running again. The system keeps people from remembering anything about the vampires in Morganville, among other things. Claire must stay awake until the task is done, with only breaks to eat, drink, and use the bathroom. If she fails than she will die and Myrnin will more than likely use her brain to run the machine.
             Claire gets the machine working, but Myrnin makes a few changes without Claire's knowledge. The problem is everyone is forgetting people they know. It is erasing the last three years of their life, it is also affecting vampires. Shane, Eve, and Michael are also affected. Amelie and Oliver finally come and help only after Amelie gets her memory back. Shane, Michael, and Eve help as well even though they still do not have their memory back. Shane's dad Frank also helps, he is a vampire now. They end up blowing the machine up with a grenade that Frank brought. Before Frank uses the grenade he is pinned under some debris and can not be helped. He saves everyone by telling them to run, then blows the machine up. The book ends with Myrnin calling Claire to his lab. When she arrives he informs her that he has fixed the machine again. The big surprise is it is running again because Myrnin is using Franks brain to run it. He wants Claire to keep it a secret, especially from Shane.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lord of Misrule, Carpe Corpus, Fade Out, and Kiss of Death

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reading Log:
Monday, March 18, 2013-Saturday, March 23, 2013
Monday-Wednesday, 10:30 P.M.-1:00 A.M.
Thursday-Saturday, 11:30 P.M.-1:30 A.M.

       Well let m start by saying that I have been a busy reader. I left off with book four, Feast of Fools and now I am up to book eight, Kiss of Death. The books are not that long, most less than two-hundred pages. I will try my best to sum up all these books as best as possible.
        Let me start with the huge storm that tore through Morganville, which produced a tornado. Mr. Bishop had the idea to get all the humans to town hall where he was for safety. Only the real reason was so he and his followers could drain them. Later Claire has to side with Bishop in order to try to protect her friends. They believe she turned on them so their friendships suffer. End the end they reconcile, also Claire and Myrnin may have found the cure for the vampire disease.
        Sam (Michael's Grandfather) ends up paying with his life to save the people of Morganville from Mr. Bishop. Amelie and Sam drank poison in the hope that Mr. Bishop would bite one of them. Well he did bite Sam, but drained him. In turn Mr. Bishop was poisoned and weakened enough to capture. He is now in prison somewhere in Morganville. A new girl named Kim comes into the picture. She is Shane's Ex and becomes Eve's new best friend. Claire is very jealous. She ends up an enemy that was trying to expose Morganville vampires by putting hidden cameras all over town, including Shane and Michael's bedrooms.
        They finally get a break and get to leave Morganville, if only for a week. Shane, Michael, Claire, and Eve all accompanied by Oliver get to go to Dallas so Michael can record a record. Their trip does not go as planned. First they get in a fight with some small town bullies that end up burning Eve's car. Then Claire, Eve, and Shane are kidnapped by a crazy vampire and his followers that were escaping from Morganville. Michael and Oliver drive to a ghost town to save Shane and Eve. They saved Claire on the way. The town seems to be deserted only because most of the town has been turned by Mr. Bishop when he was on his way to Morganville. The vampires are all infected with the vampire disease so the gang cures them.
         When it was all said and done the vampire that kidnapped Claire and her friends ended up staying in the town as "mayor". Everyone else is back in Morganville, safe for now.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Midnight Alley and Feast Of Fools

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reading Log:
Monday, March 11, 2013-Saturday, March 18, 2013
10:00 P.M.-11:30 P.M. Daily

            We left off with Claire pledging her service to Amelie. Claire is finding herself in more trouble protected than she was before pledging herself to Amelie. I have now read book three and four: Midnight Alley, and Feast Of Fools. I will try to summarize both books into one. Claire has been forced by Amelie to study alchemy with Myrnin, an unstable ancient vampire. He is crazy due to a disease that is slowly killing all vampire. He has killed every assistant that Amelie has sent him, now there is Claire.
            To make matters worse Clare's parents moved to town, thanks to Amelie. Also with Amelie's father Mr. Bishop in town, things are bound to get deadly. He invites all vampires to a formal ball, and they are to bring a human as well. Mr. Bishops daughter Ysandre brings Shane. She has taken a liking to him. Michael brings Monica much to Eves surprise.
            Claire finds out that the ball is a trap to bring humans there to slaughter. This is why Micheal did not bring Eve, but he could not tell her the reason. Claire and Myrnin go to the ball together to stop the blood bath. Claire stands up for Amelie and as she is standing next to her Eve's brother Jason stakes Amelie in the heart. She does survive since she is very old. The older the vampire the more it takes to kill them.
            Myrnin pledges himself to Mr. Bishop and runs out the room laughing, leaving Claire to defend herself. Claire and her friends survive but the war is just beginning.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Dead Girls Dance

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Reading Log:
Monday, March 04, 2013-Friday, March 08, 2013
11:00 P.M.-12:30 A.M. daily

                 Well I finished the first book in the series, Glass Houses. Now I have finished the second book titled, The Dead Girls Dance. I found out why Shane returned to Morganville. He returned so he could scout the area for his anti-vampire dad. His dad wants to kill all vampires. Shane changed his mind shortly after his return, but that has not stopped his dad. Well Mr. Collins returned to Morganville on a rampage. His first stop was Michael's house where Claire, Eve, Michael, and Shane live. He believes Michael is a vampire since he is never around during the day. As you know from my previous blog Michael is half human, half ghost. So he is not around during the day because he is a ghost. Well Mr. Collins does not know this. So he has his bodyguards kill Michael. They stack him through the heart and cut off his head. Since Michael is half ghost he can not be killed, he returns at sunset.
                   Mr. Collins also kills Brandon. He was the vampire that was following Claire and Eve. Brandon is accused of the murder because he was at the scene of the crime, trying to stop his dad. Shane is caged to be publicly burned. In order to help Shane, Claire and Eve got to a party called the dead girls dance. They are looking for Sam, Michael's vampire grandfather. Sam is the only vampire that they can trust in order to get help. While there Claire is drugged and almost raped. Sam rescues her just in time before Mr. Collins arrives and kills anyone he believes is a vampire. They return home just in time to hear Michael asking Amelie (Vampire Queen) to turn him to a vampire. He is tired of being stuck in his house. He is successfully turned. Shane hates that Michale has turned and he hates him.
                     Now Claire strikes a deal with Amelie as well. She offers her lifelong service to Amelie in return for protection. Claire feels like this is the only way to protect herself and her friends from the dangers of Morganville. One danger is the second in command vampire named Oliver. Claire and friends found out that Eve's boss at the coffee shop was a vampire, and the vampire that tried to change Michael. I also found out why Brandon was following Eve. Her family is protected by Brandon, and he tried to force himself on Eve. This is why she refused his protection and left her home. Well what is going to happen now that Claire has signed over her life?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Morganville Vampires, Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

Friday, March 01, 2013

Reading Log;
Friday, March 01, 2013--9:00A.M. to 11:00 A.M.

              Well let me start out be introducing myself. My name is Bridgett, and I'm a Mother, Wife, and Student. I started this blog for one of my college courses, I'm majoring in Elementary Education. You may be thinking why did I pick a young adult series to read, and blog about? Well I have a love for young adult books. Some include Harry Potter, The Twilight Series, and The Hunger Games to name a few. Well I guess I should share what I have been reading.

              There are fourteen books in the Morganville Vampires Series, the first one Glass Houses. I started reading glass houses today, and I'm already hooked. The main character in the book is 16 year old, Claire Danvers. She is a student at Texas Prairie University, in Morganville Texas. Morganville Texas is run by vampires. She is exceptionally intelligent and tends to say stuff without thinking at times. This has gotten her in trouble from the very beginning of the book. She makes enemies with Monica a fellow student who is under vampire protection. She is making life hell for Claire, and her friends. Claire had to leave the dorm for fear of her life. This is how she meets her friends. They are looking for a roommate and Claire was chosen. It seems that Monica is having a vampire in town named Brandon follow and harass Claire and her friends.
              Claire's friends are Michael Glass, Shane Collins, and Eve Rosser. Michael Glass is the owner of the glass house where Claire is now living. Claire comes to find out that Michael is a human by night, and a ghost by day. He was attacked by a vampire and was unsuccessfully turned. He can not leave the house even when in ghost form, he does not know why at this point. There is also Shane Collins. He is a bad boy but is very protective of Claire. His sister was killed in a house fire that he believes was caused by Monica. Now he is determined not to let Claire get hurt as well by Monica. He briefly left Morganville after the fire but has returned, I have not yet found out his reason for returning. Then we have Eve Rosser. She is a Morganville native and dresses in goth clothing. She seems to be very hurt by someone or something. She seems to be very close to Shane and Michael though. She refused vampire protection so her parents kicked her out at the age of Eighteen.

             I'm so excited to read this book more and see what happens. By my next post next week I will have book one finished and share what I learned. Then on to book two!